Trusted by preppers and survivalists across North America

Shipped fast and arrived early. Only took a few weeks for me to get and I'm in the US. The design is clear and very adorable. The grip is soft and comfortable to hold. I love that this is designed like a pen. The knife part is decently sharp. It does require some pressure to get a good cut. Probably not the best at precision, but it's great to cut out shapes and such without having to bend the paper first like you would if you only had scissors to use. Overall, very happy with this knife pen!

S**o / USA

It looks exactly like the photo and it works very well! Definitely recommend :)

T***y / USA

Exactly what I was looking for and everything works as it should. I am very satisfied with these and will definitely be ordering more.


cheap, useful, good quality

B***n / USA

May your Shopping Day be filled with fun, laughter, and amazing purchases. Have a happy one!

Warning! Don’t Even Think About Ordering Any First Aid Kits Until You Read This…

It is very common that during a disaster, you or a loved one, or someone else around you, will get hurt. So having a first aid kit should be on your must to have list!

Why a first aid kit is so much important?

First of all at time of a disaster or when you find yourself in survival mode, there’s a big chance you are going to get hurt by elements of nature and objects around you.

Second, don’t expect to find medical care at reach! Actually you won’t know whether emergency intervention units will be able to reach you, or if they even heard about you! So you will put in your mind that you will need to rely on yourself only!

Third, there might be someone of your family members or someone else around you who has some special medical condition which might can wait for a couple of minutes only in case of lack of special medication or treatment! So you won’t japardize their lives waiting for professional medical intervention!

Fourth, even if you were by yourself and you didn’t get hurt by elements of nature or objects surrounding you, in survival times you will find yourself forced to do some heavy manual work, maybe you will have to lift some heavy rock, saw a branch of a tree, jump into a river, break a widow, fight a wild animal, etc… All these activities mostly will get you hurt in a way or another, especially if you are not used to manual work!

Nowadays most people the toughest thing they do is lifting weights at the gym!

So as you can see there’s no way to not have a first aid kit!

Below we have compiled a list of aid kits that you can get from my store

Click Here To Learn More
Click Here To Learn More

Pre-made first aid kits can come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. And each contains a different number of pieces.

And to choose the right one for you, you must look for the most easily to carry kit, as well as the one that has what you think is better for you and your family.

You should think about the kit that has all what you need for you and your family medical problems!

Insulin and other special conditions medications (allergies, high blood pressure, children medication, etc…) probably won’t be at reach during a disaster, therefore you should have a long term supply!

But in case you want to create your own first aid kit here is a list of the essential items that you will want to have in it:

– A bag to hold everything

-Necessary medications for you or your family special conditions

– A large amount of all shapes and sizes of bandaids

– andages in many different types and sizes + bandage tapes + ace bandages

-Antiseptic (Hydrogen peroxide and Alcohol)

-Iodine solution

-Gauze pads

-Burn Gel + Burn Dressing

-EyeWash + Eye Pads



-Latex Gloves

-Pieces of cloth to use as tourniquets


-Paramedic Scissors

-Sting Relief

-Venom Extractor Kit

-Medical Face Masks

Do you totally agree with what i mentioned above ?

If you have something to add, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas in the comment below…

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