Trusted by preppers and survivalists across North America

Shipped fast and arrived early. Only took a few weeks for me to get and I'm in the US. The design is clear and very adorable. The grip is soft and comfortable to hold. I love that this is designed like a pen. The knife part is decently sharp. It does require some pressure to get a good cut. Probably not the best at precision, but it's great to cut out shapes and such without having to bend the paper first like you would if you only had scissors to use. Overall, very happy with this knife pen!

S**o / USA

It looks exactly like the photo and it works very well! Definitely recommend :)

T***y / USA

Exactly what I was looking for and everything works as it should. I am very satisfied with these and will definitely be ordering more.


cheap, useful, good quality

B***n / USA

May your Shopping Day be filled with fun, laughter, and amazing purchases. Have a happy one!


In the previous post we discussed how to track animals that you might I need to hunt to be your food, or otherwise to hide from if its a wild animal.

Therefore you have to know how to disguise so you won’t get spotted easily.
And here is what you need to do to make the perfect camouflage:

1- Use Proper Apparel

In case you were planning to go to the wilderness then wearing proper clothes for camouflage is much easier than the second method we will discuss later.

Make sure that the color of the clothing matches the environment you will be in. If you are in the arctic, wearing a green military suit will be a very stupid idea, as you will be the easiest thing to spot! A white combination is what you need there!

Cover your head with a hat that matches the environment as well.
Cover your face and any appearing area with dirt or camo cream when in the forest.
Disguise your backpack and boots as well using dirt and grass and leaves.

2- Natural Camouflage

So what if you were not planning at all that you might be in need to disguise, and you had no proper clothing with you, what would you do?

1.Mud Up

You have no other choice than mudding up. Look for mud and start covering all of your body.

Now this might surprise you! This method will work much better on bare skin! So if you are comfort with it, strip naked and make a jump into the mud!

Just get it on nice and thick.

2 Camouflage

Now once you are all covered with mud, you need to look like you are part of the environment around you, and no better way to do this than looking like a small tree.

Therefore you will need to cover the mud on you by using debris, grass, and leaves.

Roll on the ground! This will help all the debris and leaves on the ground to stick to your muddy body.

Also you can use some tree boughs and foliage and wrap them around you. This natural disguise will work much better than using a camo apparel! You will be like a part of the environment you are in, and if you were in an area full of mosquitoes this will help keep them away from you as well!

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